Undirected Graphs

class netin.UnDiGraph(n: int, k: int, f_m: float, seed: object | None = None)

Undirected graph base model.


n: int

number of nodes (minimum=2)

k: int

minimum degree of nodes (minimum=1)

f_m: float

fraction of minorities (minimum=1/n, maximum=(n-1)/n)

seed: object

seed for random number generator


The initialization is an undirected graph with n nodes and no edges. Then, everytime a node is selected as source, it gets connected to k target nodes. Target nodes are selected depending on the chosen mechanism of edge formation:


[BarabasiAlbert1999] (1,2,3,4)
    1. Barabasi and R. Albert “Emergence of scaling in random networks”, Science 286, pp 509-512, 1999.

[Karimi2018] (1,2,3,4,5)
  1. Karimi, M. Génois, C. Wagner, P. Singer, & M. Strohmaier, M “Homophily influences ranking of minorities in social networks”, Scientific reports 8(1), 11077, 2018.

[HolmeKim2002] (1,2,3,4)
  1. Holme and B. J. Kim “Growing scale-free networks with tunable clustering” Phys. Rev. E 2002.

calculate_degree_powerlaw_exponents() tuple[float, float]

Returns the powerlaw exponents for the majority and minority class.



Powerlaw exponent for the majority class

pl_m: float

Powerlaw exponent for the minority class

fit_degree_powerlaw() tuple[Fit, Fit]

Returns the powerlaw fit of the degree distribution to a powerlaw for the majority and minority class.



Powerlaw fit for the majority class

fit_m: powerlaw.Fit

Powerlaw fit for the minority class


An undirected graph of n nodes is grown by attaching new nodes each with k edges. Each edge is either drawn by preferential attachment, homophily, and/or triadic closure.

For triadic closure, a candidate is chosen uniformly at random from all triad-closing edges (of the new node). Otherwise, or if there are no triads to close, edges are connected via preferential attachment and/or homophily.

Homophily varies ranges from 0 (heterophilic) to 1 (homophilic), where 0.5 is neutral. Similarly, triadic closure varies from 0 (no triadic closure) to 1 (full triadic closure).

  • PA: An undirected graph with h_mm = h_MM in [0.5, None] and tc = 0 is a BA preferential attachment model.

  • PAH: An undirected graph with h_mm not in [0.5, None] and h_MM not in [0.5, None] and tc = 0 is a PA model with homophily.

  • PATC: An undirected graph with h_mm = h_MM in [0.5, None] and tc > 0 is a PA model with triadic closure.

  • PATCH: An undirected graph with h_mm not in [0.5, None] and h_MM not in [0.5, None] and tc > 0 is a PA model with homophily and triadic closure.

get_expected_number_of_edges() int

Computes and returns the expected number of edges based on minimum degree k and number of nodes n



Expected number of edges

get_metadata_as_dict() dict

Returns metadata for a undirected.

get_target(source: int, available_nodes: list[int]) int

Picks a random target node based on preferential attachment.


source: int

Newly added node

available_nodes: List[int]

Potential (available) target nodes to connect to



Target node that an edge should be added to


Shows the computed properties of the graph.


Shows the parameters of the model.


Makes a copy of the current object.


Validates the parameters of the undirected.

class netin.PA(n: int, k: int, f_m: float, seed: object | None = None)

Creates a new PA instance. An undirected graph with preferential attachment.


n: int

number of nodes (minimum=2)

k: int

minimum degree of nodes (minimum=1)

f_m: float

fraction of minorities (minimum=1/n, maximum=(n-1)/n)

seed: object

seed for random number generator


The initialization is an undirected graph with n nodes and no edges. Then, everytime a node is selected as source, it gets connected to k target nodes. Target nodes are selected via preferential attachment (in-degree), see [BarabasiAlbert1999].

static fit(g, n=None, k=None, seed=None)

It fits the PA model to the given graph.


g: netin.UnDiGraph

graph to fit the model to

n: int

number of nodes to override (e.g., to generate a smaller network)

k: int

minimum node degree to override (e.g., to generate a denser network k>1)

seed: object

seed for random number generator



fitted model

get_target_probabilities(source: int, available_nodes: list[int]) tuple[array, list[int]]

Returns the probabilities of the target nodes to be selected given a source node. This probability is proportional to the degree of the target node.


source: int

source node (id)

available_nodes: set

set of target nodes (ids)

special_targets: object

special available_nodes


probs: np.array

probabilities of the target nodes to be selected

available_nodes: set

set of target nodes (ids)


Makes a copy of the current object.

class netin.PATC(n: int, k: int, f_m: float, tc: float, seed: object | None = None)

Creates a new PATC instance. An undirected graph with preferential attachment and triadic closure.


n: int

number of nodes (minimum=2)

k: int

minimum degree of nodes (minimum=1)

f_m: float

fraction of minorities (minimum=1/n, maximum=(n-1)/n)

tc: float

probability of a new edge to close a triad (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

seed: object

seed for random number generator


The initialization is an undirected graph with n nodes and no edges. Then, everytime a node is selected as source, it gets connected to k target nodes. Target nodes are selected via preferential attachment in-degree [BarabasiAlbert1999], or triadic closure tc [HolmeKim2002].

static fit(g, n=None, k=None, seed=None)

It fits the PATC model to the given graph.


g: netin.UnDiGraph

graph to fit the model to

n: int

number of nodes to override (e.g., to generate a smaller network)

k: int

minimum node degree to override (e.g., to generate a denser network k>1)

seed: object

seed for random number generator



fitted model

get_metadata_as_dict() Dict[str, Any]

Returns the metadata information (input parameters of the model) of the graph as a dictionary.



Dictionary with the graph’s metadata

get_target_probabilities_regular(source: int, target_list: List[int]) Tuple[array, List[int]]

Returns the probabilities of selecting a target node from a set of nodes based on the preferential attachment.


source: int

source node

target_list: set[int]

set of target nodes

special_targets: object

special available_nodes


Tuple[np.array, set[int]]

probabilities of selecting a target node from a set of nodes, and the set of target nodes

See Also

get_target_probabilities() in netin.PA.


Shows the parameters of the model.


Makes a copy of the current object.


Validates the parameters of the undirected.

class netin.PAH(n: int, k: int, f_m: float, h_MM: float, h_mm: float, seed: object | None = None)

Creates a new PAH instance. An undirected graph with preferential attachment and homophily.


n: int

number of nodes (minimum=2)

k: int

minimum degree of nodes (minimum=1)

f_m: float

fraction of minorities (minimum=1/n, maximum=(n-1)/n)

h_MM: float

homophily (similarity) between majority nodes (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

h_mm: float

homophily (similarity) between minority nodes (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

seed: object

seed for random number generator


The initialization is an undirected graph with n nodes, where f_m are the minority. Then, everytime a node is selected as source, it gets connected to k target nodes. Target nodes are selected via preferential attachment (in-degree) and homophily (h_**). This model is based on [Karimi2018] known as the “Barabasi model with homophily” or “BA Homophily”.

static fit(g, n=None, k=None, seed=None)

It fits the PAH model to the given graph.


g: netin.UnDiGraph

graph to fit the model to

n: int

number of nodes to override (e.g., to generate a smaller network)

k: int

minimum node degree to override (e.g., to generate a denser network k>1)

seed: object

seed for random number generator



fitted model

get_metadata_as_dict() dict

Returns the metadata (parameters) of the model as a dictionary.



metadata of the model

get_target_probabilities(source: int, available_nodes: list[int]) tuple[array, list[int]]

Returns the probabilities of selecting a target node from a set of nodes based on the preferential attachment and homophily.


source: int

source node

available_nodes: set[int]

set of target nodes

special_targets: object

special available_nodes


tuple[np.array, set[int]]

probabilities of selecting a target node from a set of nodes, and the set of target nodes

infer_homophily_values() tuple[float, float]

Infers the level of homophily using the analytical solution of the model.


tuple[float, float]

homophily between majority nodes, and homophily between minority nodes


See derivations in [Karimi2018].


Shows the computed properties of the graph.


Shows the parameters of the model.

initialize(class_attribute: str = 'm', class_values: list | None = None, class_labels: list | None = None)

Initializes the model.


class_attribute: str

name of the attribute that represents the class

class_values: list

values of the class attribute

class_labels: list

labels of the class attribute mapping the class_values.


Makes a copy of the current object.


Validates the parameters of the undirected.

class netin.PATCH(n: int, k: int, f_m: float, h_mm: float, h_MM: float, tc: float, tc_uniform: bool = True, seed: object | None = None)

Creates a new PATCH instance. An undirected graph with preferential attachment, homophily, and triadic closure.


n: int

number of nodes (minimum=2)

k: int

minimum degree of nodes (minimum=1)

f_m: float

fraction of minorities (minimum=1/n, maximum=(n-1)/n)

h_MM: float

homophily (similarity) between majority nodes (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

h_mm: float

homophily (similarity) between minority nodes (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

tc: float

probability of a new edge to close a triad (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

tc_uniform: bool

specifies whether the triadic closure target is chosen uniform at random or if it follows the regular link formation mechanisms (e.g., homophily) (default=True)


The initialization is an undirected graph with n nodes and no edges. Then, everytime a node is selected as source, it gets connected to k target nodes. Target nodes are selected via preferential attachment (in-degree) [BarabasiAlbert1999] and homophily (h_**; see netin.Homophily) [Karimi2018] with probability 1-p_{TC}, and with probability p_{TC} via triadic closure (see netin.GraphTC) [HolmeKim2002].

Note that this model is still work in progress and not fully implemented yet.

get_metadata_as_dict() Dict[str, Any]

Returns a dictionary with the metadata of the PATCH graph.



the graph metadata as a dictionary

get_target_probabilities(source: int, available_nodes: List[int]) Tuple[Any, List[int]]

Returns the probabilities of nodes to be selected as target nodes.


source: int

source node id

available_nodes: List[int]

list of available nodes to connect to


Tuple[np.ndarray, List[int]]

probabilities of nodes to be selected as target nodes, and list of target of nodes

get_target_probabilities_regular(source: int, target_list: List[int]) Tuple[ndarray, List[int]]

Returns the probability of nodes to be selected as target nodes using the preferential attachment with homophily mechanism.


source: int

source node id

available_nodes: set

set of target node ids

special_targets: dict

dictionary of special target node ids to be considered



probabilities of nodes to be selected as target nodes, and set of target of nodes

infer_homophily_values() tuple[float, float]

Infers analytically the homophily values of the graph.



homophily values of the graph (majority, minority)

infer_triadic_closure() float

Infers analytically the triadic closure value of the graph.



triadic closure probability of the graph


Shows the (computed) properties of the graph.


Shows the (input) parameters of the graph.


Makes a copy of the current object.


Validates the parameters of the undirected.

class netin.TCH(n: int, k: int, f_m: float, h_mm: float, h_MM: float, tc: float, tc_uniform: bool = True, seed: object | None = None)

Creates a new TCH graph. An undirected graph with homophily and triadic closure as link formation mechanisms.


n: int

number of nodes (minimum=2)

k: int

minimum degree of nodes (minimum=1)

f_m: float

fraction of minorities (minimum=1/n, maximum=(n-1)/n)

h_MM: float

homophily (similarity) between majority nodes (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

h_mm: float

homophily (similarity) between minority nodes (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

tc: float

probability of a new edge to close a triad (minimum=0, maximum=1.)

tc_uniform: bool

specifies whether the triadic closure target is chosen uniform at random or if it follows the regular link formation mechanisms (e.g., homophily) (default=True)


The initialization is an undirected graph with n nodes and no edges. Then, everytime a node is selected as source, it gets connected to k target nodes. Target nodes are selected via homophily (h_**; see netin.Homophily) [Karimi2018] with probability 1-p_{TC}, and with probability p_{TC} via triadic closure (see netin.TriadicClosure) [HolmeKim2002].

Note that this model is still work in progress and not fully implemented yet.

get_target_probabilities_regular(source: int, target_list: list[int]) tuple[ndarray, list[int]]

Returns the probability of nodes to be selected as target nodes using the homophily mechanism.


source: int

source node id

target_list: set

set of target node ids

special_targets: dict

dictionary of special target node ids to be considered



probabilities of nodes to be selected as target nodes, and set of target of nodes

infer_triadic_closure() float

Infers analytically the triadic closure value of the graph. @TODO: This still needs to be implemented. Returns ——- float

triadic closure probability of the graph


Shows the (computed) properties of the graph.


Shows the (input) parameters of the graph.


Makes a copy of the current object.